Law Of Conservation Of Mass


The scientist, Antonio Lavoisier, introduced the law of conservation of mass in the year 1789. According to him, mass can’t be destroyed or generated. But mass can be transformed from one form to another. In our daily life, we also utilize this law. For example, in the burning process of wood, the total masses of the products (gases, ashes, soot) and the masses of the reactants (charcoal and oxygen)remain the same. 

lead magnet

Define “The Law of Conservation Of Mass”:

This law states: “matter cannot be created or destroyed in a chemical reaction”. That means the total masses of reactants or products should be the same after a reaction.

Application of the law of conservation of mass in different reactions:

1. During phase transition: During the transformation of any substance from its solid to liquid and then to vapour, the total mass of the substance remains constant. In the physical change of ice to water and then water to vapour, the mass of water in its three states remains the same.

Ice ⇌ water ⇌ vapour

2. During chemical reaction: Total masses of the reactants and the products remain the same after a successful chemical reaction. Like, in the combustion reaction of methane, carbon dioxide \(C{O_2}\) and water \({H_2}O\) are produced. The total masses of reactants (\(C{H_4}\)and \({O_2}\)) remain the same as the masses of products (\(C{O_2}\) and \({H_2}O\)).

\[C{H_4} + 2{O_2} \to C{O_2} + 2{H_2}O\]

3. During rearrangement reaction: Calcium carbonate produces calcium oxide and carbon dioxide on heating. The masses of reactants (calcium carbonate) and the products (calcium oxide and carbon dioxide)remain the same.

\[CaC{O_3} \to {\rm{ }}CaO{\rm{ }} + {\rm{ }}C{O_2}\]

Methods to examine the law of conservation of mass:

1. In the reaction of Barium chloride and magnesium sulfate: The law of conservation of mass can be proved by the following reaction. For this, some steps need to be followed.

  • First, a particular amount of Barium chloride (\(BaC{l_2}.2{H_2}O\)) is weighed. Then some amount of distilled water is mixed with it. And this mixture is named A.
  • Then some definite amount of magnesium sulfate (\(MgS{O_4}\)) is mixed with the same amount of water as A. This mixture is indicated as B.
  • Then another empty beaker(C) is taken and weighed. The whole solution of A and B is poured into beaker C.
  • A white precipitate of \(BaS{O_4}\) is formed in beaker C. Then the weight of beaker C is taken again.
  • Now the weight of empty beaker C is subtracted from the beaker C, containing products.
  • Comparing the masses of A, B, and C, we get that the total masses of the solutions A and B match with the product formed in beaker C.

In this way, the conservation of mass can be proved.

\[BaC{l_2} + {\rm{ }}MgS{O_4} \to {\rm{ }}BaS{O_4} + {\rm{ }}MgC{l_2}\]

Reaction between two salts displaces each other to form precipitate.

2. In the reaction of silver nitrate and sodium chloride: This law can be proved by the following reaction of silver nitrate and sodium chloride. For this, the following steps need to be followed.

  • Silver nitrate and sodium chloride solutions are made separately. Sodium chloride solution is taken in a conical flask and silver nitrate is taken in an ignition tube.
  • Then the ignition tube is suspended into the flask and the flask is fitted with a cork.
  • Now the mass of the conical flask is recorded, and then the conical flask is tilted for the reaction of silver nitrate and sodium chloride.
  • Now, the product \(AgCl\) is precipitated as a solid. At this stage, the mass of the conical flask is recorded again.
  • It is found that the masses of reactants and products are the same.

\[NaCl{\rm{ }} + {\rm{ }}AgN{O_3} \to {\rm{ }}AgCl{\rm{ }} + {\rm{ }}NaN{O_3}\]

lead magnet
Conservation of mass in precipitate reaction of silver chloride.


The law of conservation of mass tells us that the mass of reactants and products is always the same after a reaction. That is, the total mass is always conserved in different types of chemical reactions as well as in physical changes. This law can be proved by some reactions in the laboratory. This law is very essential as the unknown mass of any reactant or product can be determined. From this law, any chemical reaction can be balanced easily.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What are the drawbacks of the law of conservation of mass?

Ans: This law is valid for only chemical reactions and physical changes. But does not apply to nuclear reactions. During a nuclear reaction, heat is produced. That means some mass is converted to heat. So the mass is not conserved in the nuclear reaction.

2. Is there any difference between the conservation of mass and the conservation of energy?

Ans: Conservation of mass and energy were commonly considered to be separate concepts. However, special relativity demonstrates that mass and energy are linked by the formula \(E{\rm{ }} = {\rm{ }}m{c^2}\), and science currently holds the belief that the sum of mass and energy is conserved.

3. Which equation corresponds with the principle of mass conservation?

Ans: The law of mass conservation can be expressed by a balanced chemical equation. In a balanced chemical equation, the number of each element involved in a reaction is always the same on the reactants and products side.

Air, Breathing and Combustion


The air is a fundamental element of planet Earth that sustains life. The broad term “air” is used to describe the mixture of gases that makes up the earth’s atmosphere. It is a clear gas required for breathing and performing regular cellular activities. Air is a very essential and makes up the atmosphere of the earth.

It has the following other applications-

  • All life depends on air to thrive, including humans, plants, animals, and other species.
  • The air is necessary for the water cycle to take place.
  • It facilitates combustion and breathing.
  • It keeps the temperature constant.
  • Air assists in the process of pollination in wind-pollinated plants.

Components of Air

The air around is composed of various components given below-

  • Oxygen makes up around 21% of the air.
  • The highest amount of gas present in the air is Nitrogen, which makes up 78% of the total air.
  • Argon is 0.9% of the total air.
  • Carbon dioxide is the lowest around 0.04% of the air.
  • There are still other gases which are present in very lower concentrations eg. water vapour.
  • Microscopic airborne particles known as “aerosols”  are also present in the air and are present in minute quantities.
  • These aerosols include bacteria, suspended dust, pollen, and spores.

pie diagram composition of air

Properties of Air

  • Air is colourless and odourless and cannot be seen, heard or touched.
  • It is a mixture of many gases and they occupy space and matter.
  • Air exerts pressure. Near the surface, the air pressure is more and at higher altitudes the air pressure is low.
  • When heated the air expands and when cooled the air compresses.

Uses of Air


  • Respiration is the process where gaseous exchange occurs and oxygen is inhaled and carbon dioxide is exhaled.
  • The two main gases involved in respiration are carbon dioxide and oxygen.
  • Plants and animals require oxygen to convert the chemical energy found in food into energy that can be used for various metabolic processes.
  • This energy is used in all actions of growth, development, locomotion and reproduction.
  • Oxygen is created through the process of photosynthesis, which occurs when plants use carbon dioxide to make chemical energy while utilizing light energy.


  • A fuel oxidises when it is burned and produces lots of energy.
  • This is an exothermic reaction wherein light and heat are generated.
  • Any carbon-containing substance that is burned in the presence of oxygen produces carbon dioxide, water vapour, heat, and light energy.
  • Colourful flames are created when methane, an essential element of combustion, combines with air. These colourful flames are an indicator of the combustion reaction.
  • Explosive burning might occur if there is too much oxygen present hence to prevent this nitrogen gas is present in the atmosphere.
  • Nitrogen does not contribute to combustion and inhibits too much oxygen from causing higher reactivity. Therefore, these two components work together to make sure that fuel energy is used in a controlled way.
  • The heat that is generated during the process of combustion is used to cook, run our vehicles, generate electricity etc.

Regulation of temperature

  • The earth’s surface is kept at a constant temperature by air.
  • The density of hot air is less and hence it rises above the ground. This leads to the formation of a low-pressure area which is quickly filled by cool air.
  • This phenomenon leads to the formation of winds.
  • As the temperature of the air rises the air moves up draws in cooler air from the surroundings, warms it up, and the cycle repeats.
  • When hot air rises, it radiates heat into space before sinking back to earth.
  • Convection is the process of moving heat, and this is referred to as temperature regulation.
  • Heat is transferred in this way from hotter to colder places and thus the temperature of the earth is regulated.
  • The atmosphere and air also help to cool the earth and protect it from the sun’s excessive UV rays.


Air surrounding the earth makes up its atmosphere. The air is a mixture of gases and is essential to many living things. Air consists of 78% of nitrogen, 21% oxygen, 0.9% argon, and 0.04% carbon dioxide, and there are traces of other gases as well. The thick layer of air supports vital life-supporting activities. Contrarily, air is a substance and it has mass, can be compressed, and takes up space. Air performs the following major processes—breathing, combustion, and regulating the earth’s temperature.

Frequently Asked Question

1. Give the function of the ozone layer
Ans: The ozone layer, which is found in the stratosphere of the earth and absorbs the majority of the sun’s ultraviolet rays, works as a screen to protect the planet from these rays.

2. What does acid rain mean?
Ans: Polluted air consists of oxides of nitrates and sulphates. These oxides react with water vapour and other air components to form sulfuric acid and nitric acid. When there is rainfall both of these acids fall on earth which is termed acid rain. This acid rain is not only harmful to people but also affects various other living organisms.

3. What are the ill effects of air pollution?
Ans: Air pollution is a very severe problem that aggravates pre-existing respiratory and cardiac problems and causes several pollution-related ailments. Common diseases caused due by air pollution are lung cancer, stroke, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and respiratory infections.