This story was written by Elsie Brown. John Hallock writes ghost stories and this story is about him. The ghost, Helen, helped him to develop his creativity. As a result, he feared divorce could plague his relationship with Lavinia because he could not disclose his relationship with the ghost. As soon as his wife threw out the ‘Ouija Board’, things became clear.

Ouja Board
Summary of the chapter
A ghost story writer is the subject of this story. The ghost named Helen, who works for ‘Writer’s Inspiration Bureau’, provides him with ideas for stories when he doesn’t have any. Ghosts, however, are annoyed with the people who are operating ‘Ouija boards’. The ghost Helen comes to John saying that the ghosts are going on a strike to stop humans from playing with Ouija boards.
However, he is dragged to participate in a Ouija board party by his wife, who recently bought an Ouija board. Helen, the ghost, disrupts the game, preventing it from reaching its conclusion. Following her suspicion that John has been having an affair with Helen, Lavinia threatens to leave him forever. Moreover, their cook is scared of Ouija boards and decides to resign her job. After Lavinia told the cook to take away the Ouija board, they were all happy again and back to their normal lives.
Due to Lavinia’s desicon of not using the Ouija board again, the ghost also leaves them forever. A new idea from Helen the ghost inspires the writer to begin his next assignment, and he sets into work.
About the author
Elsie Brown has been active in her church’s music department for over sixty years, from the age of twelve when she was a church organist. As a painter, she uses acrylics, watercolors, and oils. She has written “Out of Appalachia.”
In this story, the storyteller teaches us that humans shouldn’t use supernatural powers to solve their problems, such as Tarot cards or Ouija boards. One must use his intelligence and wit to face the challenges instead of choosing shortcuts.
Textbook Questions and Answers
I) Based on your reading of the story above, answer the following questions by ticking the correct options.
1. The narrator earns his living by ……
(а) writing ghost stories
(b) working as a reader for a magazine
(c) working as a stenographer
(d) working as an accountant in a lumber company
Ans. (d) working as an accountant in a lumber company
2. The writer was overconfident about his ability to write ghost stories because ……
(a) whenever magazines wanted a ghost story, they got in touch with him
(b) he was always able to write a ghost story whenever he had to write one
(c) the readers appreciated his ghost stories
(d) he knew the ghost lady would help him write a good ghost story
Ans. (b) he was always able to write a ghost story whenever he had to write one
3. The sight of the ghost materialising in his room filled the narrator with ……
(a) fear
(b) excitement
(c) joy
(d) anticipation
Ans. (d) anticipation
4. The ghost wanted John to
(a) stop his wife from using the Ouija board
(b) stop using the Ouija board himself
(c) stop his guests from using the Ouija board
(d) stop people from using the Ouija board
Ans. (d) stop people from using the Ouija board
5. John wants the ghost to disappear before his wife enters the room and waves his arms at the ghost with something of the motion of a beginner when learning to swim. His movement shows his ………
(a) fear
(b) amusement
(c) desperation
(d) anxiety
Ans. (c) desperation
6. When the narrator says his wife is never so pretty as when she’s doing something she knows he disapproves of, his tone is ……….
(а) amused
(b) ironic
(c) angry
(d) irritated
Ans. (b) ironic
7. The ghost says “It’s all your fault”. ‘It’ here refers to ………
(a) the narrator’s wife’s anger
(b) the ghost’s anger
(c) the narrator’s wife leaving him
(d) the ghost materialising in sections
Ans. (a) the narrator’s wife’s anger
8. Gladolia wishes to leave the narrator’s house as ……….
(a) she does not like the Ouija boards
(b) she is afraid of the ghost
(c) she is afraid of magic and hoodoo
(d) she likes Ouija boards and hoodoo
Ans. (c) she is afraid of magic and hoodoo
Question II) Answer the following questions briefly :
(a) What genre of stories does Jenkins want the narrator to write ? Why ?
Ans. A ghost story would be written by a narrator about ghosts and supernatural occurrences. The ghosts in his stories look like real ones, and he writes supernatural stories with both horror and supernatural elements.
(b) Does the narrator like writing ghost stories ? Support your answer with evidence from the story.
Ans. The narrator likes writing ghost stories. Because he does not have any other option than writing ghost stories as Jenkins wants him to write such stores and his magazine is the only one that prints narrator’s stories.
(c) What makes Helen, the ghost, and her other co-ghosts organize The Writer’s Inspiration Bureau?
Ans. Hallock the narrator learns from Helen, the ghost, that she used to write in her other life. She became a magazine reader. However, those days were terrible because their memories caused her to mistake purgatory for paradise. She made a decision when she reached her current state of being. The Writer’s Inspiration Bureau was formed because of her and other ghosts’ suffering.
(d) Why had Helen, the ghost, been helping the narrator write ghost stories ? Why was she going on strike ? What condition did she place for providing continued help ?
Ans. He had been without ideas for his ghost stories until Helen, the ghost, helped him write them. Having had horrible days as a magazine reader, she went on strike. If he stopped using Ouija boards with all his friends and acquaintances, she would help him.
(e) How does the ghost undermine the narrator’s faith in his ability to write ghost stories ?
Ans. Putting a condition on the narrator undermines his confidence in writing ghost stories. He is promised that she will assist him if he prevents his friends and acquaintances from using Ouija boards. Nevertheless, Hallock was unable to stop them from using them.
(f) Why does John want the ghost to disappear before his wife appears on the scene ? What impression of his wife’s character do you form from his words ?
Ans. The reason is that John is afraid she wouldn’t tolerate him talking to another woman. It is possible that his talking to ‘her’ will cause problems in their marriage since his wife, like any other woman placed in such a situation, is jealous.
(g) Why does the narrator hesitate to be a partner to Laura Hinkle during the Ouija Board Party ? Or Why didn’t John want to partner Laura Hinkle at the Ouija Board party ?
Ans. Since he doesn’t want to use the Ouija board, the narrator hesitates to be Laura Hinkle’s partner. The second reason was that Laura Hinkle was a flirt and cheater.
(h) What message does the ghost convey to the group that had assembled in the narrator’s house ? What is their reaction to the message ?
Ans. Despite the ghost’s objections, the group used Ouija boards. In order to get John’s attention, she called them, saying he had cheated on her. As they too called John’s name together, the women felt that they were in trouble.
(i) Do you agree with the narrator calling the assembly of women “manipulators” ? Give reasons.
Ans. I agree with the narrator calling the assembly of women as ‘manipulators’. The reason is that they take shortcuts and use dubious methods to accomplish their goals. However, they still use Ouija boards despite Helen’s wishes.
(j) Why is John’s wife angry ? What does she decide to do ? Or Why did John’s wife get angry with him ? What did she decide to do ? Or Why is John’s wife angry and what does she decide to do ? Why does John wish he were dead ?
Ans. Because her husband is talking to another woman, John’s wife is jealous. Angry over his behavior, she leaves her husband, John Hallock. A brief encounter with Helen had led to such a situation that John wished to be dead because his wife Helen and all their happiness had been snuffed out due to such a short meeting.
(l) When confronted by Lavinia about his flirtations over the Ouija Board, John insists that ‘the affair was quite above-board, I assure you, my love’. Bring out the pun in John’s statement.
Ans. As a result of a threat he received from his wife, John wished he were dead. In the meantime, he will speak with her lawyer about the threat she is making towards him.
(m) John’s apprehensions about his wife’s reaction to her encounter with the ghost are unfounded. Justify.
Ans. In this case, ‘the affair was very above-board’ is the pun. The statement is true that John flirted with Hinkle, but was forced to pair up with her by his wife. In his own right, he was not interested in getting married to her.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q1: Write a note on the author of the story ‘A shady plot’.
Ans. Elsie Brown has been active in her church’s music department for over sixty years, from the age of twelve when she was a church organist. As a painter, she uses acrylics, watercolors, and oils. She has written “Out of Appalachia.”
Q2: What is a Ouija Board?
Ans. On an ouija board, you will find letters from the alphabet arranged in alphabetical order. The spirit of the dead is believed to answer questions asked in this way.
Q3: Write a note on the ‘Ouija Board party’?
Ans. A ‘Ouija board party’ involves a game of slumber party fame. A number of people believe automatic writing facilitates the channeling of answers from the spiritual realm through automatic writing.